We are proud to announce that our Certified Planning Technician, Mohammad Kamruzzaman, has been awarded with the 2019 Merit Award for Infill Design by the Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technicians. This award is in recognition for his outstanding work on Summerside Mews, a development project located south of the Pelham Community Centre in East Fonthill, Ontario.
The development includes 30 townhouse units, a 4-unit apartment building and 6 optional accessory apartment units located above rear laneway garages.
Pictured above is Kahlin Holmes, MPI, CNU-A, Project Manager, and Mohammad Kamruzzaman, CPT, Planning Technician.
Dan Romanko is a consulting Professional Planner practicing urban design, and neighbourhood development in Ontario with over 25 years’ experience. Growing up in Mississauga in the ’80s, his childhood years were spent in a categorically suburban environment. This experience sparked an interest in land-use patterns and ultimately the Urban Planning profession. Dan began his academic career at Sheridan College, graduating as a Civil Engineering Technician in 1992; he then went on to complete the Honours Urban and Regional Planning program at the University of Waterloo, graduating in 1997. Years later, his interest in community scale sustainability found him continuing his education and he received a Master of Engineering Design in Sustainable Infrastructure from McMaster University in 2012. Dan has worked as a planner in a consulting role since 1998. From 2000-2009, Dan worked with Barr Associates in St. Catharines as urban designer. After a five-year stint at another multi-disciplinary firm downtown St. Catharines, Dan returned to Barr Associates in 2015 as partner and the company changed its name to Better Neighbourhoods Inc. In addition to his managing partner role, Dan is a full member in the Canadian Institute of Planners and the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and been qualified as an expert witness at the Ontario Land Tribunal. He has been an accredited member of the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU-A) since 2009 and has attended annual Congresses since 2006. Dan lives downtown St. Catharines with his family and is fortunate to have a seven minute walk to work.
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