Full Service List



Background Research

  • Compilation and review of relevant planning documents (OP, Zoning, CIP, etc.)
  • Site visit to document neighbourhood context and conditions
  • Review potential development constraints & opportunities
  • Examination of nearby sites that may affect the development of the property


Concept Plan Development

  • Preparation of a scalable base plan for design purposes
  • Obtain any existing drawings
  • Coordinate legal and topographic survey
  • Preparation of scalable existing cross section(s) where required
  • Explore various development options in sketch form for discussion purposes
  • Discussions with owners, municipal staff and others regarding the various options
  • Preparation of a “preferred” development concept plan including building concepts


Precon Meeting

  • Application for and attendance at Pre-consultation meetings
  • Negotiation of approval requirements
  • Review precon notes and provide recommendations
  • Revisions to preliminary site and building drawings based on Pre-con process
  • Attendance and input into discussions with the owners, municipal staff and others related to the preferred concept including such matters as fire routes, servicing, grading & garbage collection.


Planning Approvals

  • Preparation of final Site Plan for minor variances, re-zoning & Site Plan Approval
  • Preparation of the Draft Plan of Subdivision, or Draft Plan of Condominium
  • Preparation of the Planning Justification Report (PJR)
  • Applications for Re-zoning, Minor Variances, Site Plan Approval and Draft Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
  • Preparation of renderings & Power Point presentations to be used for the approval process
  • Participation into Urban Design & Planning issues emanating from other aspects of the development process (architecture, engineering, landscape design etc.)
  • Revisions to Site Plan, Draft Plan, concept building plans, PJR during approval process
  • Preparation for and presentations to public meetings for DPA, SPA, Re-zoning and/or Minor Variances
  • Prepare As-built Site Plan
  • General planning advice during the process.
  • Planning post-development review


Appeal Process

  • Preparation of appeal application to LPAT
  • Collaboration with legal representation
  • Provide expert planning testimony
  • Monitor appeal decision and advise client



Land Acquisition & Economics

  • General advice regarding the potential of a prospective site for approval and economic return before commitments
  • Advice for preparation of agreements of Purchase/sale of a prospective property
  • Advice during the due-diligence period regarding potential pitfalls and key elements that may affect development (environmental, servicing, markets etc.)
  • Advice regarding the potential market for a prospective property (with others)
  • Preparation of and updating of Land Development Economic Forecast & Cash Flow Projection


Development Management

  • Acting as Team Leader throughout the Land Development Process (not the building process)
  • Participation & advice in meetings with investors, lenders, municipal staff & politicians
  • Participation & advice regarding the compilation of the Project Team including the lawyer, the surveyor, the building designers, the marketing consultants etc.
  • Retaining the Development Team on behalf of the Owner,
  • Retaining outside consultants on behalf of the Owner (Site Electrical, Archaeological, Environmental, Traffic, Structural etc.)
  • Maintaining good communications with the Owner and Investors
  • Expediting action including approvals
  • Preparation of Timeline & updating as required
  • Producing & maintaining a project prioritized “DO LIST”
  • Expediting and participating in the resolution of planning, engineering or other issues
  • Participating in selection of building materials, colours etc.
  • Input into marketing documents & that process
  • Coordination and resolution of development issues during the building process


Legal & Administrative

  • Negotiating terms of SPA approvals
  • Preparation of First Draft of Condominium Documents for finalization by the lawyer
  • Negotiations for and expediting of reduction & release of SPA securities & Hydro rebates
  • Negotiations for and expediting of Hydro Agreement
  • Expediting of easements required by utilities
  • Negotiations for Lot Sales and follow-up with the builder
  • Participating with the Condominium Board during the period up to the “turnover” date
  • Negotiations and expediting of return by the City of securities provided for the project



Preliminary Design

  • Compilation and review of relevant documents affecting the servicing, grading and Storm Water Management (SWM) of the property
  • Preparation of Preliminary Servicing, Grading & SWM sketches and outline for review at the Pre-consultation meeting
  • Participation and input at the Pre-con meeting.
  • Ordering and supervision of topographic surveys by others for design purposes
  • Preliminary Servicing, Grading & SWM design, drawings and outline based upon the “Preferred” Concept Plan & Preliminary Building drawings.
  • Participation in and engineering input during the approval process.


Final Design and Approval

  • Preparation of final Servicing, Grading & SWM drawings, outline & cost estimates for Site Plan Agreement processing
  • Studies related to SWM or other servicing issues related to areas outside the site
  • Participation and engineering input during the processing of the Site Plan Agreement
  • Revisions to Engineering documents during the SPA processing
  • Calculation of earth quantity balance


Tendering and Construction Inspection

  • Preparation of Specifications a Contract Documents for tendering purposes
  • Tendering of Servicing Contracts (typically 2 tenders)
  • Review of tenders and recommendations for acceptance
  • Contract Supervision of construction of the works including review of progress & final payments to contractors
  • Coordination of testing of materials and compaction by others
  • As-built drawings and other documents
  • General engineering advice during the process
  • Engineering post-development review
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