We work with land owners, neighbours and municipalities to enhance places into compact, walkable and diverse developments where people will love to live. BNI utilizes the principles of New Urbanism and Traditional Neighbourhood Development to ensure that all parties involved in the development process receive excellent value.
Better Neighbourhoods is experienced in development projects of all sizes, from large Master Plan developments to small one-lot infill projects.
For the Land Owner
Better Neighbourhoods helps property owners expedite the planning and approval process and secure maximum land value through good design. Utilizing over 70 years of combined experience, our team can prepare and evaluate a variety of design concepts as well as an economic forecast that evaluates increased financial yield.
We are experts in understanding and maneuvering the municipal approval process by ensuring that applications are aligned with planning policy and enhance the marketability of the project.
For Neighbours
We believe that having a place you love to come home to is about much more than your house. Our projects enhance the public realm and ensure that development is compatible with the neighbourhood context. As a result, our projects consistently improve property values in the surrounding neighbourhood. We are committed to achieving what our company name indicates.
For Municipalities
Working with Better Neighbourhoods Inc., provides tangible benefits for municipal organizations. These benefits include ensuring development applications are supported by planning policy, presenting desirable land uses, increasing assessment values and creating cohesion with existing neighbourhoods. We are experienced advocates who are well versed in the benefits that New Urbanism and Traditional Neighbourhood Developments can provide to any city or town.
190A Ontario Street
St. Catharines, ON L2R 5K9
Phone: 905-684-8585
Email: studio@betterneighbourhoods.ca
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